

9005 nero
grigio marezzato
8017 marrone
7039 grigio quarzo
1019 beige grigiastro
9006 grigio
9010 bianco


PCC trasparente
PCC opale
PCC grigio
PCC bronzo
PCC goffrato
Frame:default Cover:default



Canopy suitable in rustic or classic contexts
thanks to the inclusion of refined curls.


This door canopy is distinguished by the inclusion of aluminium curls that create a very refined motif. The slightly curved shape protects windows and doors from atmospheric agents and adapts to different situations: it suits in case of stairs with slope variation, it follows the trend or delineate the outline of building with external and internal edges. The cover is made of solid polycarbonate sheets, a lightweight material but highly resistant to shocks.


Frame entirely made of aluminium alloy UNI 6060 T5 painted with polyester powder paint. The canopy consists in an aluminium frame to hold polycarbonate plates connected by brackets with curls 37×8 mm and front gutter with side water path. Canopy certified by TÜV SUD for loads up to 170 daN/mq.

9005 nero
grigio marezzato
8017 marrone
7039 grigio quarzo
1019 beige grigiastro
9006 grigio
9010 bianco


The roof is covered with 4 mm solid polycarbonate sheets, with hermetic seals and sheet holder profiles. The polycarbonate in available in several colours.
Otherwise, if you prefer a blind cover, you can choose composite panels of aluminium and polyethylene, available in white 9016.

PCC trasparente
PCC opale
PCC grigio
PCC bronzo
PCC goffrato